3 Strains Yogurt Starter Culture #1 - 25gram

Product Details
Yogurt Starter Culture #1: 25gram
Custom Probiotics Yogurt Starter #1 is a formulation. It does not contain any Bifidobacteria. It is generally used by people on the SCD diet.
- 150 billion cfu’s per gram of yogurt starter powder.
- L. Acidophilus
- S. Thermophilus
- L. Bulgaricus
Dairy Free
Recommended Use
Scoop size = 0.8 gram. Add half scoop ( 0.4 gm) of yogurt culture, per 2-4 quarts of milk at 100 Deg F (38 Deg C). Mix thoroughly and ferment for 9 hours or longer. Then refrigerate the yogurt made. Keep the yogurt culture in the refrigerator.
It is best to keep bottles tightly closed and in the freezer to retain maximum potency. We over design our probiotics so that the loss will not effect the potency indicated on the label. One can travel with our probiotics for 2-3 weeks without refrigeration. It is best however to keep probiotics refrigerated for optimum potency.
Reciepe 1: Dairy Free Reciepe
- Get 2 quarts (1.9 L) pasteurized, low fat or whole, cow or much preferably goat milk. “Goat milk is closer to mother’s milk, is much easier to digest and is less allergenic than cow’s milk”. Mother’s and cow’s.
- Heat the milk while mixing until it comes to a boil. The boiling process will destroy harmful organisms and restructure proteins to help with the viscosity.
- Let the milk cool to 100-103 F (38-40 C).
- Add half a scoop (0.4 grams)of the Custom probiotic yogurt starter formula 1 or 2 per two quarts to one gallon of milk.
- Mix thoroughly with a spoon or beater until all the powder yogurt starter is well dissolved.
- Fill the resulting cultured milk in a yogurt maker of your choice and incubate at 100-103 F (38-40 C) for 12-24 hours. During fermentation, part of the lactose (milk sugar) converts to lactic acid, decreasing the pH values to a range of 4.25 to 4.5. The streptococci are responsible for the initial pH drop of the yogurt mix to approximately 5.0. The lactobacilli are responsible for a further decrease to pH 4.0.
- Refrigerate for at least five hours.
- Enjoy and share with friends and family.
Reciepe 2: Coconut Milk Yogurt Recipe
- 1 can coconut milk of choice – Native Forest brand recommended, no BPAs, or Natural Value, no gums or thickeners (recommended for GAPS/SCD)
- culture of choice – Custom Probiotics (recommended for GAPS/SCD), Cultures for Health Vegetal Dairy-Free starter, or HMF Superpowder are all good, available online. Look for dairy free.
Pour a little coconut milk into a pint sized mason jar. Mix in culture of choice – a smidgeon of the Custom Probiotic, a quarter tsp of the HMF powder. Add the rest of the coconut milk. Cap tightly. Shake well. For Cultures for Health Vegetal Dairy-free starter, follow the manufacturer’s directions.
Keep warm in a yogurt warmer, in an oven with the light or pilot on, in a dehydrator set at about 95 – 100 degrees, or wrapped in a heating pad set on low. Shake occasionally. Yogurt will be mild after one day, a little more tart after two.
Alternate method – mix in culture of choice as described above and shake well. Leave at room temperature for 4 days, shaking occasionally. This method will result in a thicker product, with a slightly fizzy flavor.
Source: https://www.thecookawakening.com/coconut-milk-yogurt